Introduction 145

"My intention for this mix is to deliver something special that makes you not only hear but feel. I hope it makes your life better!"


Hey Aaron :) Welcome to our Introduction series! You've been living in tropical places, close to the beach for a while now. How would you describe the influence that had on your music?

"I tend to use a lot of elements that I record as well as organic elements in my productions. I think that living in tropical places most definitely has an impact on that even if I don't think about it sometimes. Also being in a relaxed setting all the time I feel helps me really tap into what I want to give to the world."

How do you get into a creative flow?

"A nice time in nature or doing some exercise really helps me have a good flow. It's heavily influenced by how I'm feeling in the moment."

Where do you draw your inspiration from?

"My inspiration can come from many places but most of the time I hear some music from other artists that I really like and get inspired. Or I'm in nature and get inspired by what is around me or sounds that I hear."

What do you love most about being an artist?

"I love that I'm able to express my feelings in a way that people can hear, feel and enjoy."

How do you stay focussed in a world of constant distraction?

"It's very difficult but it's important to have a healthy balance in life. Meaning going to the gym and eating good and healthy food. You are what you eat!"

Do you have a morning routine?

"Yes I usually start my day with a cup of coffee and then go to the gym. It's so important for my mental health that I exercise. After that come home and start to write music."

What fascinates you about your art from?

"Production is so cool! I'm really fascinated by how you can manipulate frequencies and what you can actually do with sounds, even with just one oscillator."

What, for you, is the purpose of art?

"Self expression."

What do you want to express with your music?

"My feelings. It is important for me that people feel something."

What is sacred to you?

"My personal time and my wife :D"

What is your opinion on success? What is your opinion on failure?

"I think that life is crazy and has ups and downs and that there is no such thing as success without failure. It is key to have a balance."

What would your 16 year old you think about what you’re doing today?

"WOW! Good job!!"

What makes you laugh?

"When I see something funny. Really just random things. Some really funny memes."

In which ways could the scene improve in the future?

"Well I wish is was more about the music. Nowadays it's more about social media. So hopefully in the future it goes back to being more about the music."

Who will considerably give direction to the scene soon?

"There are a few artists that I see now doing really great things. Innellea is definitely one of the new stars that will hopefully transform the industry. I also really believe in Anis Hachemi, he's such a talented producer!"

Favorite release at the moment & of all times?

"Victor Ruiz & Alex Stein - Generation EP"

What can we expect from you in the near future?

"I have so many amazing upcoming releases on big labels and I cannot wait to share them with the world. Stay tuned!"

Most profound insight you had since you started this career?

"There are no rules in music."

How would you describe your approach to social media as an artist?

"Well that is one thing for me that I actually don't like to do. I try my best and I have someone helping me run my social media as well. I prefer to not stare at my phone all day."


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